Tom W Hall

I’m Tom Hall, I develop software in Auckland, New Zealand.

Below are a few of the things I’ve created over the years.

Babylon.js 3D platformer

A film noir themed experiment with Babylon.js

Play online

Descensus 3

A rebuild of my earlier game Descensus 2 (a casual physics game) using Monogame

Download free from Play Store

SVG React platformer

A PoC of a retro 2D platform game using SVG, React, and dynamic JavaScript modules

GitHub repo / Play online


A 2.5D unicycle platform game demo combining p2.js and Babylon.js.

GitHub repo / Play online

Descensus 2

A casual 2D physics game.

Buy for Android / Play a demo online

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

A garden-themed, turn-based game.

Play online


A simple 2D vector game model framework using p2.js for physics and Pixi.js for rendering.

GitHub repo / Space buggy demo / Spinners demo

Other things
